Your online application

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Application as:

SAP Inhouse Consultant und Projektleiter

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Complete the application form. Please note that all fields marked with an are required fields.
  2. Upload your application documents.
    Please ensure that your CV is no longer than two to three pages and is laid out in chronological order, starting with your current/most recent position.
  3. Agree to the terms of the Data Protection/Data Storage Statement.
  4. Send your application.

Personal Data

Please use intern. format like +49

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Upload your documents

Here you can easily send us your documents. As a minimum, please upload your CV or personal profile.

You can upload a maximum of five files of up to 6 MB each. The following file types are supported: pdf, jpg, jpeg, png

We ask you for the following consent

Version 22 - 23.06.2021 15:52:45

I agree to my data (e.g. contact information, CV with professional history, photo, date of birth, qualifications, certificates etc.) being stored in the candidate database for consideration in future selection procedures. If, as part of my application, I have submitted "special categories of personal data" according to Article 9 GDPR by myself (e.g. a photo that shows ethnic/racial origin, information on severe disability, information on marital status, religious or ideological beliefs, tradeunion membership, health information, biometric data or information about sex life or sexual orientation), my consent also applies to these data (Our Note: In general we ask you to send in your application without indication of "special categories of personal data" according to Article 9 GDPR). My data will be erased after this purpose has been fulfilled (after the selection process ends) unless I agree to storage “until withdrawal of consent”. If I agree to storage “until withdrawal of consent”, my data will be included in the talent pool and I can be contacted should interesting job vacancies be found in the future. Data stored in the talent pool can be erased should I choose so (withdrawal of consent). I am allowed to view and update my data. My data will only be forwarded to companies with job vacancies after prior consultation with me and with my consent.
I have read and accept the information on data processing.

Contact Person

Please contact us and we will answer your questions.

Christian Männlin

Christian Männlin

Managing Partner

T +49 172 775 93 56